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I am the Audionut!!! Luke I am your father NA, seriousley What I am is a fellow car audio buff and I would like to share some of the knowledge I have aquired with you so check out my site, links, and pics and see what you can learn, enjoy |
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Welcome To the audionuts lair !!!
Audionut's is dedicated to helping the beginer or advanced car audio geek find the info they are looking for, such as manufactures links cost efficent how to projects and stuff other sites don't offer {ie} im not going to tell you about My very existance, and My ride, and how I got into car audio sooo.. I hope you can find some usefull info and come back to visit me........
Team gates has teamed with Kicker formerly PPI to atempt another asault on the world record ! Still using the Beast they have added 48 S10L7v subs 48 amps totaling 48,000 watts of power!!!!!
